RAdiation therapy

Aerobic exercise during radiation is established to be helpful for fatigue, anxiety, depression, and physical function.  NO ONE benefits from sitting on the couch all day, no matter how poorly you are feeling. That said, we do very much understand that radiation symptoms are cumulative and that you may hit a wall at some point.  We hope that the number of weeks of less exercise will be minimal, so that you can maintain your muscle mass, function, and energy level.  Keep doing some exercise, even on the worst days.  5 minutes is better than nothing.

MOVE program for radiation treatment is to walk for 30 minutes.  Period.  If you cannot get to 30 minutes, do less, but walk.  If it’s raining, walk with an umbrella.  If you don’t feel like it, walk.  If you are nauseous, walk.  Just do it.  If it helps you to hate us while walking, we are okay with that.  We know it will make you feel better.

Here’s the specific dose information:

Frequency:  5x weekly

Intensity: light to moderate.  Keep moving.  That’s the real goal.

Time: at least 30 minutes per session

Type:  Walk, run, cycle, swim or dance around… whatever makes you happy.

 If you are not already an exerciser, build up to this dose of exercise.  If you don’t do 150 minutes a week already, build up to it over time.  Perhaps 20 minutes per session this week, 25 minutes per session next week.


Also see the general MOVE page for links to trackers, ways to find a trainer, and other resources.